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Source Code Security Analysis (SAST)

Source code security analysis: Extending the security of your software products

Beyond source code security audits in the early stages of development, an important step in ensuring the highest level of security is source code security analysis in the later stages of development and before releasing a software product into production. This process helps to identify and fix possible vulnerabilities and security issues that may have arisen during product development.


Why do you need to analyze source code security?

- Preventing intruders: Attackers are constantly looking for weaknesses in program code to attack and intrude. Security analysis allows you to identify and fix these weaknesses before they are exploited.

- Compliance with security standards: Many industries and regulators require compliance with specific security standards, and a security analysis helps you verify that your software product meets these standards.

- Ensuring user trust: Your users expect their personal data and information to be protected. With the help of a security analysis, you confirm your ability to provide this protection.

- Reducing the risk of data loss: Vulnerabilities in program code can lead to the loss of important data or financial loss. Security analysis helps reduce this risk.


How does source code security analysis work?

Source code security analysis is used to identify possible vulnerabilities and security issues, such as improper memory management, insufficient input processing, insufficient authentication and authorization, and many others. This process can include manual code analysis by specialists, the use of automated tools, or a combination of both.


Choosing tools for analyzing source code security

When choosing a tool for analyzing source code security, it is important to consider the following aspects:

Analysis coverage: Make sure the tool can detect different types of vulnerabilities and covers all potential attack points in your program code.

Ease of integration: The tool should be easily integrated into your development process and CI/CD chain.

Programming language support: Make sure the tool supports the programming languages used in your project.

Specialization: Consider whether the tool specializes in certain types of applications or industries.

Source code security analysis is a necessary step to ensure the security of your software product and compliance with security regulations. Using SAST in the early stages of development and analyzing security before release helps to create a safe and reliable product that increases user confidence and reduces risks.


Source code security audit (SAST): Your key to software reliability

The modern era of high technology has brought many benefits, but with it has also come an increased threat to software source code security. The increased volume of software development and the speed of releases create an ideal environment for bugs and vulnerabilities that can lead to serious security issues. To avoid such situations and ensure the reliability of the software product, it is important to use source code security audit tools such as SAST (Static Application Security Testing).


What is SAST?

SAST, or source code security analysis at the development stage, is a process of checking program code for potential vulnerabilities and errors without running the program. This process is designed to identify security issues early in development, when fixing them is the most efficient and cost-effective.


Why should you use SAST?

Saving time and money: Identifying and fixing security issues early in the development of a software product can significantly save time and money that would have been spent fixing problems after release.

Ensuring program security: Using SAST allows you to identify and fix vulnerabilities before attackers find and exploit them. This increases the security level of your software product.

Improving reputation: Being aware of security issues in a software product can severely damage your company's reputation. Secure source code will help you maintain reliability and user trust.

Compliance with security standards: Some regulators and standards require source code security audits to comply with regulatory requirements.

How does SAST work?

SAST analyzes the source code of a program without executing it and identifies potential security issues such as SQL injections, buffer overflows, vulnerabilities using known cryptographic algorithms, and many others. This process may take some time, but it allows you to identify potential threats at the early stages of development.